About us

Higher education, research, technology transfer, interaction with the territory and internationalization: these are the areas of intervention of the University of Udine, which promotes cutting-edge skills translated into international scientific partnerships, publications, books and patents. This is the synthesis of multidisciplinary research activities developed in departments such as DI4A - Department of Agri-Food, Environmental and Animal Sciences, with the aim of carrying out institutional research and teaching activities.

The Department activities consists of: organize study courses in the area of Agri-Food, Environmental and Animal Sciences; sustain among the several research groups the “Food Microbiology” group, whose mission is to tackle food security and quality issues through basic and applied research, generating new knowledge to address threats or risks to human health and the environment, and to develop effective means for their eradication or reduction.

Via Palladio 8 - 33100 Udine – Italy